The Edinburgh Fringe

What do business presentations and stand-up comedy have in common?
The answer is: more than you think!
A while back, I fulfilled a long-held dream to attend the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
A huge array of comedy and clowning shows at my very fingertips.
I filled my three days with as many stand-up and improv gigs as I could.
I laughed. A lot.
I pondered.
I welled up with tears.
I was in awe of the talent - and courage - of the comedians. They put themselves out there day after day, not knowing who will show up. Or in some cases, if anyone will.
Most play the same set six days a week for the length of the Fringe.
So, how do they keep it fresh and compelling?
1. They play to the audience
The audience is different each time. With a distinct energy, new laughs, and fresh interactions.

There’s space to improvise, create, and forge new connections with every show.
And they make the most of that.
2. They show vulnerability
In between the laughs, they are often speaking from – and to - the heart. About relatable topics.
There were laments on loneliness. Riffs on rejection while looking for a job. Reflections from a doctor who spends her many working hours trying to save lives.
3. They use humour (duh!) and story
Even if the subject is serious (and it often is, at its core), they have a huge capacity to laugh at themselves.
Each story is an opportunity to use funny references. Bring on an unexpected prop. Or use dialogue to reconjure a scene.
With perfect - comic - timing.
We may not be stand-up comedians, but…
…next time you’re making a presentation, how can you draw on the power of stand-up?


Dreaming big


Believing in our resources