The truth about charisma 

What is charisma?
Flamboyance? Showmanship? Or something deeper?
Hard to put your finger on, perhaps.

But its original Greek meaning is 'grace'.

Far from flamboyance, true charisma emanates from within. It’s rooted in genuine passion, empathy and purpose.
Wanting to make a positive difference, and leave an imprint on your audience.
And while it may come naturally to some,
it’s totally a skill that can be cultivated through practice, feedback and self-reflection.
So, what makes us charismatic in the way we communicate?
💫 Having a genuine interest in people
💫 Speaking with warmth, and presence
💫 Active listening
💫 Using confident body language and taking the space you need
💫 Taking your time to speak, and pausing where necessary.
Connecting to yourself, so you can connect at a deeper level with your audience.
It’s key to transcending barriers, and inspiring change.
I’m curious: what does charisma mean to you?

Photo: speaking on enhancing our personal impact at Barcelona International Community Day


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